Slow Postpartum - supporting you to experience a blissful, healthy and healed postpartum
with your new baby

While helping you prepare for and plan the weeks after birth with confidence

Work with me

Enquire about in person or virtual postpartum doula support

Slow Postpartum - supporting you to experience a blissful, healthy and healed postpartum
with your new baby

While helping you prepare for and plan your postpartum with confidence

Work with me

f you need a face to face or online postpartum support - click below

Is this how you're feeling?

You are feeling anxious about how you will cope.

You are feeling fearful about how you will face the challenges of life with a newborn including dealing with sleep deprivation, exhaustion and breastfeeding issues.

You are wanting to enjoy a happy, healthy pregnancy?

You want to enjoy your pregnancy and be free from discomfort as well as plan for an empowered and positive birth experience.

You are concerned about not having enough support ?

You are worried that there won't be others around to give you the nurturing care and support that you and your new family will need and deserve in the postnatal weeks.

You are worried about the effects that pregnancy & birth will have on your body?

You want to ensure that following your birth, your body is rejuvenated and nourished rather than exhausted and depleted.

You have heard how a new baby may effect your relationship with your partner?

You are anxious about how a new baby will change your and your partner's life and want to learn how to mitigate any conflicts.

You know that you need and deserve a better experience with your next baby.

You found your first postpartum to be difficult and stressful and you want a different experience this time around.

What you will experience when working with me?

a slow postpartum plan 

  Together we will brainstorm your challenges and vision for your ideal postpartum and I will help you plan for a positive, gentle and joyful first few weeks with your new baby, free from stress and overwhelm.


Let me treat you to blissfully relaxing pregnancy and postpartum massage, reflexology and yoga sessions or advise you on the right treatments to seek out during your childbirth year.

care and support

I will be there to care for and support you after the birth of your baby, allowing you the time and space to rest deeply and be nourished and nurtured so that you can become the mother or parent that you want to be.

A rejuvenated and strengthened  body

I will help you to rejuvenate and strengthen your body after birth with specialist postpartum massage and belly binding as well as 'mum & baby' yoga and baby massage sessions.


I will guide you on how to 'baby proof' your relationships before baby arrives so that you are prepared for the transformation that will happen when you welcome your new baby.

Nutrition, cooking and postpartum recipes

Find out how the correct foods and nutritional information and support can be intrinsic to your postpartum recovery.  I will cook for you in your home and serve you delicious meals or advise you on how you can ask others for the correct foods. 

Hi, I'm Jojo Hogan

I am so delighted to have you here! It is my life’s work to care for, nurture
and support mothers, babies and families throughout their childbirth year.

In 2005 I created the Bella Mama Pregnancy Spa & Wellness Centre where, along with my team of committed and compassionate therapists, we cared for over 10,000 pregnant mothers and families throughout the special journey that was their pregnancies, births and transition into parenthood.
After running Bella Mama for 14 years, I made the choice to devote myself
wholeheartedly to the one-on-one focussed care of my mamas and the creation of the international Slow Postpartum Movement.

I truly believe that when all mothers, babies and new families are born into a place of love, respect and compassion, this in turn ripples out into their families, communities and the world.  Changing it for the better.  

I would love to share this special work with you and help you to experience a postpartum with your new baby filled with joy, bliss and ease.  Because when you are nurtured, nourished, supported and celebrated you are more easily able to offer the same to your newborn baby from a place of health and well being.

With love  Jojo x

 Jojo is very empathetic, funny, warm, kind and just a lovely person! I felt that postnatal support was not just a job for her but she genuinely cared about me and my family. She listened to what I needed, was incredibly thoughtful and her extensive experience in postpartum care was evident so I trusted her knowledge and advice. Jojo is also a wonderful cook and made me loads of delicious, nutritious meals. She gives the best massages I’ve ever had and I loved the postpartum yoga sessions with her. I felt really supported and having Jojo around allowed me to have a little time to myself each week and to enjoy the things that I love, as well as ensuring that I was getting healthy meals and snacks. My partner also really enjoyed Jojo’s visits and he also got on really well with her. He said he would definitely contact her again if we decide to have another child. He also says that he personally felt very supported by her too and could talk to her about anything. Having Jojo’s support was completely worth every penny for us.


Learn the Six Secrets to a Slow Postpartum in my free ebook

What are you looking for?

Online Support

Find out about my The Art of Slow Postpartum™ Online Course.  Work through my unique nine step program to create the postpartum of your dreams.

In Person Support

I support families around the world to experience a blissful postpartum with their new baby.  Read about my Boutique Pregnancy & Postpartum Support Packages.

Specialist Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage

Find all about my blissful and relaxing massage and reflexology treatments as well as postnatal belly-binding available in my local area of Devon, UK

Boutique Pregnancy & Postnatal Support Packages

Imagine being totally cared for and supported over your childbirth year. As your pre & postnatal doula & care specialist, I will be there to guide and care for you through this special and transformative time of your life.

I work with a select group of pregnant and new mothers and families in Devon & around the world both in person and online, to ensure that the months before and after the birth of your baby are a time of joy, peace and satisfaction.

   My exclusive Slow Postpartum support packages start in your pregnancy and include a wide range of offerings including *.

* some services available in person only

Pregnancy & postnatal massages, reflexology treatments and belly binding. 

The weeks both before and after birth are a time of great change and this, along with your body's transformation can sometimes cause stress levels and discomforts to arise. That's why it's so important to gift yourself the time to be cared for and nurtured. Regular massage treatments both before and after birth are a necessity rather than a luxury, giving you the space to deeply relax and rejuvenate and the time to enjoy your pregnancy and transition into motherhood. Following the birth of your baby, specialist warm herbal wraps and belly binding can help to restore your abdomen and support your core.

Specialist postnatal nutrition coaching, meal planning & cooking 

Optimal nutrition including regular healthy meals and snacks is one of the most important things we can do during the postpartum weeks to help with birth recovery and breastfeeding. However many people don't realise that there are specific food guidelines associated with optimal postpartum healing as well as foods that we should definitely avoid.  With specialist training in postpartum cooking and recipes, I will ensure that you are nourished with delicious and nutritious meals in the postpartum weeks.

Making a postpartum plan, building your 'village', and negotiating relationship and family dynamics

Bringing a new baby  into your family is a time for joy and celebration but  it is a time when you need more than ever to be supported by others. It also is a period that redefines your relationships and family dynamics. When this is not thought about and planned for, it can add stress and strain to your postpartum experience and you may end up feeling lonely, unsupported and struggling to connect with your partner or family. When working together we will create a postpartum plan to ensure that you receive the support that you need as well as understanding how we can best 'baby proof' your relationships.

Guidance on postpartum body care and healing including abdominal and pelvic rehabilitation, pelvic floor strengthening and breast feeding support

Many new mothers are left feeling shocked and overwhelmed by the changes in their body following pregnancy and birth as well as the intensity of the breastfeeding journey..  However when we understand what to expect in the normal transition from the pregnant to the postpartum state as well as  from the first weeks of breastfeeding, we can mitigate many problems and complications that may arise.  I will help you prepare your body for postpartum healing and be there to support your breastfeeding journey.

Postpartum yoga & mindfulness and baby massage lessons

In my experience, the practise of yoga and mindfulness in the weeks following birth can be one of the most profound and powerful tools for a new mother to have at her disposal.  And let's be clear, it's not about doing lots of physical yoga postures or even unrolling your mat. It's more about understanding how to be in the present moment with your baby. To breathe, to relax and to honour this special journey as a deep and powerful spiritual transformation.  As a yoga teacher with over 20 years experience, I can help you benefit from this ancient practise  during your postpartum weeks with your new baby.  I will also teach you the wonderful benefits of baby yoga and massage so your newborn can join in!

Natural therapies including aromatherapy and postpartum herbs.

There are many natural therapies that can help to support your postpartum healing and recovery.  With specialist training in aromatherapy and herbal support I will create personalised products for you to aid your rejuvenation.

Infant and family sleep education 

Understanding normal infant sleep and how we can best support the optimal sleep environment for a newborn baby can be key in helping your new family get enough rest.  As a trained infant sleep coach I will help you to get a clear understanding as to what constitutes normal newborn sleep behaviours as well as support you to get the rest that you will need in the first weeks and months postpartum.  I do not offer 'sleep training' for newborn babies but instead will work gently with your baby's unique personality so that they feel completely safe, nurtured and responded to.

Emotional support, nurturing & care

Becoming a mother  or parent may be one of the most potent, powerful and life changing transformations that you will experience.  And as with any major life transition, it comes with both joys and challenges.  Having someone there  who has empathy and experience,  who will  hold space and support you as you move through this time will help ensure that you receive the love, emotional support and nurturing care that you so need and deserve .  When talking about the benefits of my work to others, I explain that, more than anything, it's about love.  When a new mother feels loved, cherished and supported she is able to move easily and confidently into her new life.

Would you love to enjoy a slow postpartum?
Enquire about my in person & virtual support packages

Jojo has been an absolute godsend for our family. She is a really special person and genuinely passionate about supporting families through the postnatal period. She came and looked after us all and made herself invaluable - cooking nutritious meals for the entire family and emotionally supporting both myself and my husband. She is also extremely knowledgeable about her subject - whether it be infant sleep, nutrition, baby's developmental leaps etc. Her massages are phenomenal - as someone who regularly has massages I can safely say she is the best masseuse I have ever been to. She is kind, caring and intuitive and I have been able to speak honestly and openly about any issues that have come up. My advice is don't hesitate! Having Jojo’s postnatal doula support is the best investment you could make post birth and so much more valuable than any bit of expensive baby kit you could buy.


Pre and Post Natal Massage Treatments

 Pregnancy Massage 

Pregnancy is a time of great change and this, along with your body's transformation and broken sleep can sometimes cause stress levels and discomforts to arise.  That's why it's so important to gift yourself the time to be cared for and nurtured.  

Regular pregnancy massage treatments give you the space to deeply relax and rejuvenate and the time to enjoy your pregnancy and transition into motherhood. Receiving massage during your pregnancy can also help ease pain and discomforts in your body such as back and hip pain, swelling and tightness in the neck and shoulders.

With over 16 years specialising in pregnancy massage, I offer treatments from my home therapy room near Crediton and home visits in some areas of Devon.

Pregnancy Massage   $45/HR  £55/75MIN

Treatments available from my therapy room near Exeter, Devon, UK.

Contact me on 07514 774832 to book.
Extra charges for home visits will apply.  

Postnatal Massage & Warming Belly Wrap

Postpartum massage treatments are an essential way to ease the discomforts in your body following your pregnancy & birth. In some parts of the world a new mother is massaged every day for 40 days following birth! Massage will help to soothe baby-care aches as well as improve energy levels and fill your cup so you can live your most vibrant life as a new mother.  

Following your massage you also may choose the addition of a postpartum belly wrap where a Javanese herb & spice paste is applied to your tummy, followed by a firm wrap and compress to warm and nourish the womb space.  As you relax with a blissful neck & scalp massage, this specialised treatment helps to soothe, tone & support your amazing belly which grew a whole new person!

You are welcome to bring your baby with you to your treatment and there will be plenty of time to be able to feed and cuddle.

Specialist postpartum massage treatments and wraps are available from my therapy room near Crediton or as a home visit in some areas of Devon



Treatments available from my therapy room near Exeter, Devon, UK.

Extra charges for home visits will apply.

Contact me on 07514 774832 to book.

Working with me is as easy as 123

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Enjoy being looked after

Why do you need a Slow Postpartum?

All over the world people are seeing the benefits in their lives from intentionally taking the time to slow down and live more mindfully.
There is no more important time to do this than during your pregnancy and first few weeks with your new baby.

A 'Slow Postpartum' encourages new mothers and parents to honour and respect the potent and transformational weeks after giving birth, by allowing them the time and space to rest deeply, restore, heal and rejuvenate. It’s about embracing centuries-old postpartum rituals that focus on caring for a new mother or parent in order to give them the time and space that they need and desire to bond, nurture and fall in love with their new baby.  

To do a ‘Slow Postpartum’ is to resist societal pressure to ‘bounce back’ immediately after giving birth, but instead  teaches the value of ‘snuggling in’ for a period of time in order to prioritise falling deeply in love, healing and recovery. This will have lifelong benefits for you as a new parent, as well as your family, your community and the world!

You need and deserve a Slow Postpartum.

Learn the Six Secrets to a Slow Postpartum Mastermind Training in my Free Ebook